Club509 Pickleball Rules & Guidelines
The mission of Club 509 Pickleball is to grow the sport through the promotion and teaching of the game to individuals of all ages and skill levels while encouraging sportsmanship, fellowship, fun and exercise.
The purpose of the Club 509 Pickleball is to provide an opportunity for all members to learn and improve their play; to implement instructional lessons; to schedule open and skill level play; league (ladder) play and tournaments; to encourage the highest standards of safe play; to promote social pickleball activities within the community.
Article I – General
- The name of the organization is the Club 509 Pickleball. The Pickleball Club exists for the benefit of its members.
- Mission Statement: The mission of Club 509 Pickleball is to grow the sport through the promotion and teaching of the game to individuals of all ages and skill levels while encouraging sportsmanship, fellowship, fun and exercise.
- The purpose of the Pickleball Club is to provide an opportunity for all members to learn and improve their play; to implement instructional lessons; to schedule open and skill level play; league (ladder) play and tournaments; to encourage the highest standards of safe play; to promote social pickleball activities within the community.
- This Club shall be operated as a nonprofit organization in accordance with applicable Washington State and Internal Revenue Tax Exempt Codes, and the Association’s Bylaws.
Article II – Membership
- Membership shall be open to all.
- There shall be no other precondition for membership, nor will members be required to join any national, state, or regionally affiliated organization.
- Membership is required for participation in Club activities, including; club round robins/leagues/ladders/tournaments, social events and General Membership Meetings.
- Guest Privileges:
1. General Membership Meetings are open to Guests however, participation is
limited to members only.
2. Guests must be accompanied by a Club member when participating in a Club
3. Hosting a guest. Each Club member is allowed to host two (2) Non-
Members at approved Club functions. Approved Club functions for Guests include: Pickleball Orientation, social events, club meetings. (except annual election meeting). - The amount of dues for members will be determined annually on the recommendations of the club board and approved by a majority vote of the club members attending. Annual membership dues are based on calendar year January 1 through December 31. Prorated membership may be determined by the Board.
- Any non-member may pay a fee to participate in a member only activity.
- Members who threaten the safety of themselves or others, are abusive, blatantly create turmoil, disruption, or dissension among club members, clubs or the Association in general may have their club membership temporarily suspended (up to two [2] weeks) by the club. Written notice regarding the reasons for temporary suspension shall be provided to the Executive Board within two (2) business days of the temporary suspension. Termination of a club membership can only occur following a recommendation from the President and the approval of the Executive Board. Severe cases of adverse behavior, as described above, may be a cause for suspension of Association membership rights and privileges. Any suspension or termination of club membership or Association rights and privileges may be appealed to the Executive Board.
1. First Offense – a written warning from the Club
2. Second Offense – a short-term suspension by the Club
3. Third Offense – a longer term suspension by the Club not to exceed two (2) weeks
4. Fourth Offense – longer suspension or termination recommended by the Board.
Article III – Officers
- The Executive Board will consist of four officers: President, Vice president, Secretary and Treasurer.
1. Additional elected officers for this club are: Membership Chairperson, Communication Chairperson and Member At Large.
2. Elected officers will serve from January 1 through December 31. Election of Offices will occur at the November General Membership Meeting. - Newly elected or appointed officers, within fourteen (14) business days of taking office, shall attest that they have read and understand the Club’s Rules, Regulations and Procedures.
- The club board shall be elected by a majority vote of those present at the club’s annual membership election meeting. The elected officers shall serve without compensation.
- All positions are elected for (1) year terms.
President – presides at all club meetings and direct the activities of the club Executive Board. Ad hoc committees may be established at the discretion of the President. President vote breaks any tie. Signatory on bank accounts. Executive Board Member.
Vice President – presides in the absence of the President and performs such duties as required and assists all other officers when needed. Oversees bylaws and ensures they are being followed. In charge of club insurance. Signatory on bank accounts. Executive Board Member.
Secretary – sets the agenda, records all the minutes of club meetings and posts them to the membership. Ensure the retention of club records, reports, and usage sheets. The Secretary may also assist in maintaining the member roster and new member information. Signatory on bank accounts. Executive Board Member.
Treasurer – acts as custodian of all club funds. Maintains a checking account for the club and ensures all monies are deposited and recorded accurately, and that all financial reports are properly kept, maintained, and that all federal and state tax reports are prepared and timely filed. Signatory on bank accounts. Executive Board Member.
Membership Chairperson – update and post the member roster. May also assist in Treasurer’s duties.
Communication Chairperson – ensures all communication (website, social media, email, newspaper when appropriate) are up to date. Other volunteers may be used to produce and distribute communications.
Member At Large – assists any officer as needed. The position is intended to be filled by a previous board member to provide continuity and historical practice.
- Board Appointed Positions: Activity Coordinator & New Player Development
Activity Coordinator – plans out types of play (ex: ladder play, social get togethers, round-robins, specific level play times, etc.) Non-voting position.
New Player Development – new player liaison coordinator. Helps pair-up new players with existing players, works with Activity Coordinator to give introductory workshops. Non-voting position.
- Vacancies. The Club Board will determine when it is necessary to fill a Board vacancy. Such determinations will consider the amount of time left for that term, the time of year that office is vacated, and any other pertinent matter.
1 The Board will provide the membership with an explanation within 30 days of
the vacancy.
2 Should a determination be made that the vacancy must be filled for the continuity of the Club, at the next General Membership meeting, loosely following Roberts’ Rules of Order, an election will be held.
- Impeachment – To impeach an officer Roberts Rules of Order must be followed. If the impeachment is successful, the election of a new officer must follow immediately.
Article IV – Meetings
- Frequency of Meetings – General Membership Meetings will be held each November for annual elections and on an as needed basis.
1. All members will be notified in advance of the meeting.
2. The Board may call a Special membership meeting. - Provisions for calling and recording meetings. Agenda and minutes will be taken by the Board Secretary to document all business sessions and will be approved by the Board.
1. Agenda and minutes, as well as other pertinent administrative records, will be
retained for a period of three (3) years.
2. Agenda and minutes should be available to the membership before the next general meeting.
3. Twelve (12) Club Members are required to make a grievance for reasonable cause to require the Board to call a special membership meeting. A fourteen (14) day notice must be given to all members if a special meeting is called. - Voting and Quorum Requirements:
1. Board Meetings – a quorum, is a simple majority of the Board.
2. Membership meetings – A simple majority is required for all issues except bylaws. To approve bylaws requires a 2/3 majority.
3. Elections will be by secret ballot if there are two or more nominees for any one office. If the elected positions have one nominee, election will be by a show of hands and/or voice vote.
Article V – Financial
- Financial records shall be retained for a period of seven (7) years (prior to the current year).
- The Board shall authorize the Treasurer to disburse funds in support of Club activities in amounts not to exceed $600. Expenditures exceeding $600, with the exception of pickleball paddles/balls and Club dinners/socials, must be approved by a vote of the membership at any general membership meeting.
1. A receipt is required for all expenditures and disbursements.
2. The Treasurer shall sign all checks. In the absence of the Treasurer, the
President, Vice-President or Secretary shall be authorized to sign Club checks. - Financial records must be audited on a yearly basis by individuals other than those elected to the Club Board. The results of the Report of Audit will be presented to the general membership and duly recorded in the applicable minutes of such meeting.
- Club Advertising. Any commercial advertising or flyers of club activities must be in compliance with Club policies.
Article VI – Committee
- Committees and/or chairpersons are appointed by the club board.
1. Each committee will report directly to the Board through a Board designated
2. All designated liaisons will be assigned and approved by the Board at their first
Board meeting of the new calendar year.
3. All committees rely on volunteers to chair and serve on each committee. If
there are no volunteers to staff the committee it will be considered to be inactive.
Article VII – Club Reciprocity
- Our club from time to time may issue an invitation to other pickleball clubs in surrounding communities to attend special events. It is understood that such invitations be issued only on an occasional basis.
Article VIII – Amendments
- To amend the Bylaws of this Club requires a two-thirds vote of the membership present at a meeting specifically called for such purpose. Proposed amendments shall be well publicized to the membership one (1) month prior to the vote. All amendments must be voted upon and approved by 2/3 vote of members present.
Article IX – Dissolution
Prior to club dissolution all debts must be satisfied.